Self Logo

 My Logo 


Black and white 


Artist Statement
My logo was inspired by the things I surround myself with that I love. In my sketches it started with a central focus on the earth.  In an effort to maintain a minimalistic style with the most amount of elements I decided to pick symbols of things in my life through things that make me happy. I used a light bulb as the base of my sketch. I love string lights in outdoor settings because I feel they illuminate warm energy and bring comfort to the area. I use the light as a symbol of creativity. Inside the light bulb, I chose to do a wave and the sun. The sun is a symbol of positive energy. Whenever I am having a bad day, being able to watch the sunset is my way to center myself at the end of a day. The wave is a symbol for life. Growing up living near the beach, I associate my family with the ocean and my home. 

When creating my image, I used the pen tool to draw one side of the light bulb and than mirrored it. When trying to combine lines and shapes, the ability to group them together was a huge benefit when making my edits. In my three variations of my logo I played with my stroke size and color in different places to give it a different effect I was trying to achieve for each one. I would make sure the majority of my shapes where connected to when I filled them with color it would stay within the lines 

When choosing the colors for this image I wanted them to match my symbols. That is why I choose colors such as yellow or orange for the sun or the background of the bulb. Knowing that these colors represented positivity, light, warmth, creativity, playfulness allowed me to connect the light bulb and the sun to each other since they both are radiant in my life. I colored the wave blue because of the security and dependability I feel like ocean can resemble since I associate it with my family. 


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