
My Calligram 

When creating Calligram, I started by writing my letter to my future self. 20 years from now is a long time,  but life moves really fast and I feel like in 20 years I will have fel like I wrote this yesterday. That I why when writing this, I though about everything that has happened to me leading up to this point. What I have loved, what I regret, what I would change, and what I am thankful for. That was something I considerd when deciding what art I wanted to create with my words. 

I used the Pen too to draw the ouline if the wave. Once I did this I used the type on line tool to allow my first sentance to follow the path of the wave I than outlined the wave with the pen tool and than used the type to area tool to fill in the wave with the rest of my text. I wanted yo make it a little more abstract so I added waves with the pen tool and circles to fill in the shape of the wave and add some motion in the image. The the sun being so important to me in my daily life I used that to start my message. With the pen tool I made an odd shape for the center of the sun that I filled with the text “Dear Caroline.” For each othe rays I text warped them to say words I felt influenced a postive out look on life. 

I grew up next to the beach. When ever I was having a bad day that is where I would go. I found the way the ocean moves relates to life because the water will build up to a point where the wave will reach its peak. Eventually the wave crashes and the water will be pulled back out and into another wave. This cycle continously repeats. I felt this as a symoble in my life. Some days there will be peaks, and some days it will feel like the wave crashed at the end of the day I always remeber to be grateful for the cycle. That is what I wanted to reflect in my art and why I find this piece so personal.

My Letter 

 Dear Caroline, 

All I can say is I hope you’re happy. And when I say that I don’t mean that I hope every day is the most amazing thing you’ve encountered or that everything has to be perfect. But I hope that along the way to getting where you are now, you had fun, you enjoyed your life and lived it with no regrets. When you look back on these 20 years in between now and where you are, I want you to be able to say that you made the most of it. Yes, school is important but also so are all the little moments you have with people you love. I hope you got out of your head a little, I hope you ate good food, I hope you did what makes you feel most like you are being yourself, and I hope you didn’t let anyone tell you you aren’t enough. If you read this in 20 years and you wish that you did something differently or none of what I hoped is the case, I just want you to know it's okay. I know we have big goals and I can’t wait to see where life took you. Please keep enjoying the little things and getting excited about what you love. Keep appreciating people and taking gratitude in the moment. I can’t wait to see if you stuck with journalism, and how you ended your swimming career, or if you find love. And that last one especially because I know you since I am you. Please love yourself before you love anyone else. And I know that is so incredibly hard but you have to. If you have someone in 20 years (which I hope you do) I hope that they are so different from what you have had. You deserve to be happy. And you are doing great. Lastly, I pray that you stay close with your family and if you don't please call them. They are the most important support anyone has ever given you. 


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