The Connection

FMX 210- Digital Media

Caroline Nordheim

The internet and the World Wide Web are something humans have access to everyday and normally don’t question where it comes from or if there is even a difference. In reality there is a surprising difference between these two platforms and came around during two different time periods. However although different these websites work together since the World Wide Web was able to come into reality from the internet being created 

The Internet was created by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf in the 1950s. According to, the internet is defined as “a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect.” The internet came around during what is known as The Cold War, when tensions were high between North America and the Soviet Union. The desire for a communication system in order to be prepared for attacks became more and more appealing during this era. Around 1974, Kahn and Cerf invented TCP/IP which would allow computers to “speak the same language” according to The site states, “After the introduction of TCP/IP, ARPANET quickly grew to become a global interconnected network of networks, or ‘Internet’.”

Following the creation of the internet emerged The World Wide Web. The Web came around the 1990s, created by Tim Berners- Lee. According to the, The Web is known to be a “system of public web pages accessible through the internet.” Berners- Lee created the first Web server, web browser and web page allowing people to access a collection of documents and resources. Because of the creation of the internet, the World Wide Web was able to come around in the 1990s. On August 6, 1991 Berners- Lee published the first website known as, World Wide Web project, which ironically described the Web and how to use it. The site is still around to this day, now being over 25 years old. 

The advancements in technology have gone so far past the first web browser that people fail to stop and Understand where current technology originated from such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. According to, there is a powerful woman behind the Men that created these platforms, Hedy LaMarr. Although known for her acting, LaMarr had another side to her, the art of inventing. The article states, “The film chronicles the patent that LaMarr filed for frequency-hopping technology in 1941 that became a precursor to the secure wi-fi, GPS and Bluetooth now used by billions of people around the world.”

Bluetooth received its name from its engineers Sven Mattisson and Jim Kardach. According to, the site states that one night over beers, the two men “‘talked at length’ about Vikings, including the king of Denmark, Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson – a name said to refer to his dead tooth.” The found this to be a great idea for a name since, “The king is most famous for uniting Norway and Denmark, a parallel which delighted Mattisson and Kardach who were ‘seeking to unite the PC and cellular industries with a short-range wireless link.’”  However this also inspired the bluetooth logo, combining a Nordic H and a Nordic B. 

WiFi, or also known as wireless fidelity was created around 1997. WiFi received its name in order to be more user friendly rather than the form of technology it really is. Created by Vic Hayes, he received the title "father of Wi-Fi" because he chaired the IEEE committee that created the 802.11, also known as radio transmission that gives WiFi its ability to work. According to, “before the public even heard of Wi-Fi, Hayes established the standards that would make Wi-Fi feasible.” 


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